
Marni Dieanu is an author, artist and business professional from Canada. She lived in several places around the world and spoke multiple languages before making Toronto her home. She has published writing works in English, Romanian and French.

Creative Writing and Arts

From a very young age, Marni loved books and poetic expressions. She views life as an explorative journey, weaving stories from every leaf, face, or event. Marni’s passion is artistic expression, and that expression may be in words, visual arts or dance.

For Marni, creative words have always come naturally as a form of artistic release in painting the beauty and the sorrow of the world.

From a young age, Marni has exhibited artistic inclinations, also she has never taken any art classes than the usual ones done in the primary years of schooling. Usually, her visual art works intertwine with poems and stories, completing each other.

For many years Marni had a successful blog, where she wrote general subject articles, as well as self-improvement posts and published her words and art under the name Serenia

Fascinated by the evolution of science and the depth of the human mind, she gives her works a psychological dimension, pushing boundaries and making her audience wonder more.

Business Communications

With two Master’s degrees in Communications and PR, Marni wrote most of her adult life for business, but she never forgot her first love, Literature, by completing her Bachelor in Philology and continuing to write fiction and non-fiction in her everyday life. Marni has over 15 years expertise in proposal management, corporate communications and business development. Imaginative and passionate writer with experience in content-conceptualization, research, planning, writing and editing business proposals, training and communications materials, media guides, articles, newsletters, blog posts, brochures, marketing videos, reports mostly with focus on business and technology.